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Your Product Data – Digital Road Map

14 April 2021

Although the construction manufacturing industry has made some considerable advances in the area of technology for production and design, it is still trailing behind when it comes to its digital data transformation.

Many manufacturers are continuing to store product data in various locations across their business. In some instances, data is still held within the minds of employees or stored in a labyrinth of inaccurate spreadsheets.

With data quality gaining greater focus in construction (partly due to recent events) and with new building legislation, plus increased traction for product classification, there has never been a better time for construction manufacturers to start whipping their product data into shape.

Successful construction projects rely on excellent product data. Access to timely, accurate product information, available at all times, along with complete product transparency, traceability and accountability is now essential.
Without all of this, a contractor will struggle to make quality decisions and they may choose alternative products and suppliers.

Manufacturers must take on ‘huge data responsibility’, ensuring that they provide up-to-date, good quality product information for wholesalers, distributors and contractors.

How to start your data journey?

Your data journey will involve more than just your IT department. IT experts will need to collaborate with all areas of your business including marketing departments, design teams and product managers, so data can be organised and structured correctly, ready for centralisation in a common access point.

You will need also need:

  • A ‘single place’ to store all your product information, so you can automate your data processes and distribution product data to your marketing channels
  • An industry specialist PIM provider, to help you create your ‘one source one truth’.

Attributes required for achieving high quality product data:

  • Consistency: Uniform data held in a common data environment (PIM)
  • Cleanliness: Up-to-date, accurate product information
  • Transparency and accessibility: Data provided in real time and available across devices like mobile, websites and from remote locations
  • Useability: Product descriptions need to be fit for the job
  • Connectivity: Common access point among team members

Creating your One Source of Truth with e-Pim

e-Pim is specifically developed to handle ‘construction industry product data’, providing a single go-to place for everyone within your business who needs access. Once e-Pim is populated with your product data, you can update it, mature, automate, make better decisions and channel it to your various marketing distribution channels.

Working with you (all the way)

NG15’s data specialists work with you from the outset. We help you to cleanse and correctly structure your data ready for e-Pim. We also have some clever data-tools to speed up data processes and we always make sure that you hit the ground running.

e-Pim provides you with all the control you need to establish the ‘key attributes required for high quality construction data’.

For more information contactus today:

T: 01623 759 035    E:

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