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Customers in Europe?…

25 June 2024

ETIM (European Technical Information Model) is an internationally recognized standard for the classification of technical products, designed to provide companies involved in the production of such products with a framework that allows them to simply, efficiently and accurately classify products and provide meaningful data that can be shared across platforms, industries and borders.

The benefits of classifying products and supplying data according to the ETIM standards are numerous. The fact that ETIM is a multi-lingual, standardised model allows businesses to confidently share complex technical information to a variety of stakeholders, in the knowledge it will be understood, relevant and unambiguous. ETIM provides a common language for product designers, end users, and everyone in between to understand the technical data behind a product and the applications they will be best suited to.

Whatever stage of the data journey your business is at, ETIM classification and data enrichment can help drive things forward. For those who already understand the value of complete and accurate product data, transposing that information over to ETIM can be a straightforward process that adds instant value to your data proposition. It could help unlock new markets, increase the appeal of your product range to potential retailers or distributors, and positively influence the consumer decision making process.

For manufacturers who haven’t yet reached their goal of providing fully attributed data, ETIM provides an invaluable framework to easily understand and provide the relevant technical information that users are looking for. It may be that you have much of this information to hand already, it just hasn’t been collected and stored in a useful format yet. This is where NG15 and e-Pim can help.

A product information management system such as e-Pim is the natural place to store ETIM information, which is why we’ve built the functionality to classify, input and store ETIM data into our software since its inception. We understand the importance of providing manufacturers with the tools to easily import and export ETIM data, so e-Pim users are able to do this via ETIM import and export routines using Excel. We also offer a user friendly interface within a dedicated ETIM tab in e-Pim for data managers to input ETIM data, with dropdown boxes and parameters in place to ensure only accepted values are allowed.

Of course, to maximise the potential of what complete ETIM data can do for your business, it needs to be easily accessible to consumers down the supply chain. Our API offers a seamless connection to your ETIM data for any customers, ecommerce platforms or other relevant parties that you wish to share the data with, whilst Excel exports of ETIM data can be processed and sent within minutes.

If you’re a wholesaler looking to improve your data offering, whether to centralise attribute information and/or feed ETIM data to your website, e-Pim has the tools to import, store and export ETIM data. Our import facility caters for BMEcat files, which are used by a number of major manufacturers to send ETIM data. Just drop this file into e-Pim, and all the enriched ETIM data will be seamlessly added to products you carry from that supplier. This valuable data can then be sent via the API to your website to aid consumer buying decisions.

It’s never been easier to get ahead of the curve and enhance your data offering with the use of e-Pim and the assistance of the expert team here at NG15. We’ve already helped numerous manufacturers in the electrical and construction industries to classify and enrich their products to the ETIM standard, and many have seen quantifiable returns on this as a result. Whether an existing customer or someone who is looking to begin their Product Information Management journey, why not get in touch and ask how we can enrich your product information, drive sales and so much more with the help of e-Pim.

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